Thursday, January 30, 2020
East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay Example for Free
East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay The prosecution will begin by establishing the character of the defendant, and further prove that the criminal acts committed by Ms. Catherine Ames were not random, but rather a part of a cynical mindset that deliberately caused harm. Catherine Ames was without a doubt, a stunning work of beauty with the power to make all heads turn everywhere she went. She have lovely gold hair, big hazel eyes, pointy small chin along with a delicate nose, and high cheekbones giving her a heart shaped face. She was an adorable child that became an irresistible woman with the power to make all man fall head over heels. With a timid smile and a soft spoken voice, this appears to be the perfect woman. However, let us not be fooled by her angelic appearance. Catherine Ames is a cruel, manipulative, sadistic being who knows how to get anything she wants through the lust from men. She was able to use her beauty to her advantage even as a young child. The very first incident was when Ms. Catherine Ames used her wittiness and manipulative skills to inflict moral and physical pain to two boys. The boys received immense punishments for actions that she herself encouraged, but declared herself a victim to preserve her reputation. Cathy used her sheer beauty and manipulation to seduce her Latin teacher James Grew. When she had James Grews heart in the palm of her hand, she denied him any affection or love, making him commit suicide. Cathy took an educated kind man and turned him into rubble just because she could. As Cathy grew she became more destructive and morally impotent. It became quite clear that Cathy had no respect for authority when she ran away from home and went to Boston. She was pushed to the edge after being caught trying to run away from home and was beat and punished. Driven by agitation she stole all her fathers money out of his safe. She cleaned the cellar and stuffed papers all around the edges of the foundation to block the draft. She oiled the hinges, the lock of the kitchen door and the hinges of the front door. She continued to prepare, on the night of the crime, she put on an old apron to protect her clothes and found a jelly jar and carried it to the carriage house. She then found a chicken, cut its head off, and filled the jar halfway with the blood. She then buried the evidence of the chicken. She then took off the apron in the kitchen and put it on the stove. She poked the coals until the apron caught on fire. Again before leaving she hid the evidence of the jelly jar. She remorselessly locked her parents in their house and set it on fire. Her parents sad death did not make Cathy shed a tear as she was looking into a new exciting career: prostitution. When she meets Mr. Edwards she is keen to provoke him to become sexually attracted to her. After he puts her up in his own house, keeping her from his wife and providing for her, she begins to steal from him. She also locks him out of his own house and takes control of his property. When he realizes something horrible about Cathy, he attempts to get her drunk one night. While drunk she stabs him with a broken wine glass. Driven by her intoxication, she stabs him in the cheek and sends him running away from his own house. Her impulsive and evil nature was evident through her actions that night. After a bad run in with the whoremaster Mr. Edwards, Cathy successfully manipulated Adam Trask to fall in love with her. After Adam had provided Cathy with unconditional love and support during her weak time, she repaid him by sleeping with his brother Charles behind Adams back. After they moved to California to start off new Cathy and Adam had their twins she coldheartedly did not want to look at them claiming No. I dont want them After she recovered from giving birth, she abandoned Adam and the twins. After abandoning her husband and children Cathy became a working girl in a whorehouse. Now under the alias Kate, Cathy manipulated Faye the owner of the whorehouse into signing a will giving everything to Cathie upon Fayes death. After, slowly and painfully killing Faye, Cathie assumed control of the whorehouse. When it was thought that Cathy could not go any lower, when her son Caleb discovered the truth about her and wanted to be a changed man, she told him he cant and he will become exactly like her as he grows up, sinful and damned. Its quite clear that Cathy is not a noble human being with good intentions. Her life has been filled with nothing else but hatred for others and schemes to get as much money as possible. Evidence presented here after show the criminal acts that Cathy has committed throughout her life, crimes that she admitted to performing without remorse. Cathy had committed crimes against law of the nation and crimes against religion as well. Even though she is no where near of being religiously moderate, she still followed the religion of Christianity for her marriage to Adam Trask. Cathy did commit some major felonies toward God such as committing adultery. First, adultery means having sexual relations between an individual who is married and someone who is not the individuals spouse. In Christianity, adultery is considered a major sin which shows betrayal and lack of trust by that individual in the marriage. In the last two lines of Chapter 11, it states Suddenly Charles laughed. The Poor bastard, he said, and he threw back the blanket to receive her. Cathy did not care if she slept with Charles. Better yet, she does not embrace her marriage by sleeping with Charles. She is an embodiment of pure evil driven by self-hatred, desperation, and a love of pain, and Cathy destroys lives without any sense of remorse. She wanted something to satisfy her cruel nature and did so behind Adams back. In the bible, Cathy is directly compared to Eve when Eve eats a forbidden fruit and introducing sin into the world. Cathy did the same by committing a forbidden act of trust and friendship. This proves to show the hypocrisy that exists in Cathy with no moral influence or structure. Cathy, without mentioning anything to her husband Adam, tried to abort her two children with a knitting needle while Adam was out obtaining information on his plot of land. If that isnt terrible enough, Cathy gives the reason that she has a family history of epilepsy and did not want to pass it on to her children which is a blatant lie. This attempt at abortion was a complete secret from Adam until she was found unconscious due to a great lose of blood. Cathy tried to murder her unborn children while Adam was away and didnt even tell him that she was pregnant in the first place. This was a disgusting act of attempted murder upon two completely helpless and vulnerable unborn children in which Cathy should be punished for. After Cathy attempted to murder her unborn children Cathy moved onto bigger and more horrific things. She attempted to murder Adam, her husband. A week after the birth of newborn twins, Cathy decides that she is going to abandon them and leave Adam alone. Before leaving, Cathy pulled out a handgun and shot Adam. Luckily she had bad aim and only hit him in the shoulder but we all know that she was aiming to kill him. After Cathy shot Adam, she ran out of the house and out of Adams life forever. This is the second time Cathy attempts to murder someone in her life. First it was her unborn children, and now her husband. Cathy is nothing but a murderer and cares for nothing but to inflict pain upon others. Another sin in which Cathy tries to commit is suicide. Suicide is not illegal by law in the nation except for some states, but this act of killing oneself is considered a sin and a crime against god. One of the commandments states that specifically Thou shall not kill which can pertain to a persons life or their own life. In page 554, Cathy takes her own life by using a cyanide pill. This by far is much is strongly against the teachings of God and it goes against one of his commandments. God said there will be consequences for whoever commits suicide and that would be punishment in hell. Cathy may have her reasons to commit suicide, such as arthritic pain, low self esteem, and a painful life. However, this is the life she chose to follow as being sick and maliciously evil towards others which caused the downfall for her life.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Robert Siricos Samaritans Dilemma :: essays research papers
In the essay Samaritan’s Dilemma, Robert Sirico claims that charity is not always helpful to society. He implies that some people take advantage of others kindness, in this case, soup kitchens. To support his claim, Sirico told a story of when he was training to be a priest. He states that each Friday he would help set up and serve a free meal to those in need, usually 200 to 500 people. One Friday after the meal, he and a friend cleaned up then went to a seafood pub just down the street. While eating the two men realized that the soup kitchen they had just finished working at was competition to the seafood pub and other surrounding restaurants. They realized that their charity was making it harder for other entrepreneurs to make a living and provide for their families. Sirico basically states that when people are waited on â€Å"hand and foot†they become more dependant on others, therefore, making it even harder for them to get out of poverty. He also implies that giving â€Å"handouts†to people encourages laziness. He says, â€Å"When charity creates a disincentive for an able-bodied person to work, it leads this person down the wrong path. It encourages indolence. Real work provides the individual with the vehicle for a productive and virtuous life. It gives a person self esteem and a role to play in society.†The support he uses does not help his case, though. For example, the comparison Sirico makes of the soup kitchen to a seafood pub is irrelevant. He states, "Just a block away we provide a product and a service that make this man's effort to provide for his own family more difficult.†A soup kitchen and a seafood pub are not comparable. The pub has the intention to make money, whereas a soup kitchen is not interested in money. Soup kitchens are there for the purpose of people who cannot afford to eat at other places. The speaker never states the prices or quality of food at the pub. This information would help the reader recognize the similarities and differences between the two. Sirico fails to mention the other restaurants that are also the pub owner's competition. Surrounding restaurants may be taking business from the pub, not the soup kitchen. In addition, Sirico uses insufficient personal experience to suggest that people are taking advantage of charity. After observi ng people coming to the soup kitchen, Sirico noticed a couple that "told me they needed to eat quickly because they were planning to go shopping after dinner.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Patronage Behavior of Indian Rural Consumers
The study has been conducted by Rajnish Tuli and by Amit Mookerjee in 2004. The study is entitled Retail Formats: Patronage Behavior of Indian Rural Consumers and has been published in the South Asian Journal of Management in its July to September 2004 issue. The purpose of the research is to investigate the customer and behaviors that marketers must consider in catering to rural consumers. The research focused on response and patronage behavior of rural consumer in their evaluation of retail outlets in India, and the decision factors influencing such behavior.In particular, the retail formats that were investigated were village shops and haats. The study presents that shopping activity cost and product purchase cost were the most influential variables for the village shot retail format. Moreover, it has been found that â€Å"bargain†and promotion incentives cause them to buy from other markets. The information derived from the study shall be useful in crafting effective prod uct placement marketing efforts. 2) Explain the business problems under investigation. The research aims to determine the reasons for the behavior and patronage of retail outlets by rural consumers.In determining such factors, retailers would be able to draft appropriate marketing strategies that influence these variables. The study proceeded with identifying the differentiators of village shops and haats in terms of various perceptual dimensions. Specifically, the study assessed the factors which affected the decision of rural consumers to either purchase from a village shop or at an outshopping center. Moreover, it is not only limited to physical attributes, but rather on psychosocial traits that affect their decision to purchase and patronage. These advantages are congruent with consumers’ value.The following are the specific objectives that the study addressed (expressed in verbatim): 1) To identify the relevant decision variables influencing the rural consumers’ p atronage behavior towards existing retail setup; and 2) To identify the most critical decision variable, which differentiates the perception of rural consumers towards the retail setup. There were several decision variables involved in the study, including access route, traveling cost, product variety, price of a particular item, credit facility, credit period, bargaining facility, bargaining gains, product quantity, returns and adjustments, and promotions.Access route pertains to the presence of geographical connections among settings or places. The study hypothesized that there is no significant difference in the perception of access route associated with the two shopping centers. The next dimension, traveling cost, refers to the cost of getting to the shopping center. It is hypothesized that there is no significant difference in the traffic barrier related to the two shopping centers. The third dimension, product variety, refers to the number of products offered by the center.The price of a particular item is defined as the economic value perceived by the consumer in purchasing a specific product from an outlet. The next dimension is credit facility which pertains to the concession accorded to consumers in purchasing from a center. Another variable is credit period which pertains to the length of time allowed for a consumer to pay off his purchase. Bargaining gains is defined as the reduction in the cost that a consumer may have access to as an outcome of negotiation with the retailer. Product quantity refers to the amount of merchandise that a consumer may avail of in choosing a center.Another variable is returns and adjustments, which pertains to the ease with which returns or defective goods are dealt with. Finally, promotions are the incentives provided by the retailer to consumers for increased brand usage and patronage. 3) Identify the parties involved in conducting the research. The respondents of the study were from 12 gram panchayats from villages in Western Uttar Pradesh and South Uttaranchal. The villages were selected using purposive sampling, with the following inclusion criterion: with more than 1000 population, having a strong retail setup with a minimum of 8 retail outlets.Tea was the product used in assessing purchase decision. 4) Describe the methods involved to conduct the research project. The dimensions utilized in retail store selection have been assessed by rural consumers in the current study. The questionnaire required respondents to make assessments through a 7-point Likert scale. A pilot study has been undertaken to evaluate the scale reliability, resulting in the dropping of two variables, namely, peer shopping behavior and retailers’ attitude. The respondents of the study were from 12 gram panchayats from villages in Western Uttar Pradesh and South Uttaranchal.The villages were selected using purposive sampling, with the following inclusion criterion: with more than 1000 population, having a strong retail setup with a minimum of 8 retail outlets. Tea was the product used in assessing purchase decision. The statistical tests that were used for the analysis included the mean, paired t-test, discriminant analysis and factor analysis. These all helped determine the pertinent factors that differentiated the two retail outlets. References Tuli, R. & Mookerjee, A. (2004). Retail formats: Patronage behavior of Indian rural consumers. South Asian Journal of Management, 11(3) 57-73.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
A Man By The Name Of Species By Charles R. Darwin
Introduction A man by the name of Charles R. Darwin published a book that was titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, (typically called The Origin of Species). Published in 1859, this book caused a great dispute in the world of science. You see, in his book Darwin was just trying to answer an age old question â€Å"How Did We Get Here?†without ever referring to a supernatural creator. This book shocked the science community. Up until now, science was linked to god. The idea to some people that science and God were not together was astonishing. But to others it was horrendous. These people couldn’t believe a scientist who didn’t refer to God as a natural part†¦show more content†¦He mainly concentrated on the finches. Many science historians give credit to the birds (Darwin’s Finches) in inspiring Darwin’s theory. Let’s look at the birds. Bird 1 has thick long beak. Bird 2 has a thick short beak. Bird 3 has a tiny stub like beak while bird 4 has a short narrow beak. Also their food preferences varied between the species. The big beaked birds could crack a shell of an egg, while the small beaked birds could only eat insects. What does this prove? They are a good example of micro-evolution. They show us that finches can vary in their morphology, and that natural selection has a role in this. HOWEVER†¦This study does not give evidence for macro-evolution, and does not prove that natural selection and random mutation could produce the living world as we know it from simple single-celled ancestors. Microevolution VS. Macroevolution Darwin was able to derail an idea that each individual species on the earth was specially created by God and could never fundamentally change. How? Darwin compared domestic the domesticated versions of many animals with that of their wild counterparts. Example. Wild dogs behaved different from domesticated dogs. Fact most domesticated dogs cannot reproduce with wild ones. Thus domestic dogs were considered a whole different species however, domestic dogs were only wild dogs that the breeder trained. Dog breeders would selectively mate these dogs that had allowed reproducing. This manmade selection Darwin realized this
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