Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay on The Health Benefits of Exercise - 490 Words
The word fitness is very vague as fitness is built up of many factors. The main ones include, general Fitness, aerobic fitness and specific fitness. General fitness is the ability to meet the demands of every day life. General fitness is closely liked with health related fitness and it has several components including Strength the force muscles exert when they contact. Flexibility or suppleness, the range of movement at a joint. Speed, is the ability to move your body or a section of your body quickly. Body composition, the percentage of fat and lean tissue in your body. If you have too much fat, or too little fat, you are seen as being unfit. Stamina, is the bodys ability to keep going†¦show more content†¦If you have aerobic fitness, during periods of rest and in periods of exercise, your heart rate should be reasonable low. Specific fitness is essential for the playing of certain sports. As well as having the specific fitness, it is essential to have general fitness as well. Examples of specific fitness include: explosive strength or power, agility, balance, co-ordination, and a quick reaction time. The definition of health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. All three are closely linked with each other and by falling ill may well affect your mental and social well-being. Another example of where the components affect each other is may be when you lose your job. This may affect your physical and mental well-being. Physical well-being is when: * Your heart lungs and other body systems are working well * No illness or injury Social well-being is when: * You have enough food, clothing and shelter * You have friends and support * You have a belief you have some value in society Mental well-being is when: * You are able to cope with stress * You are able to control emotions * You are able to enjoy yourself * You have feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem Exercise is closely related to health and fitness. By exercising and putting your body through activities thatShow MoreRelatedThe Health Benefits of Exercise Essay826 Words  | 4 Pages Exercise is not just for Olympic athletes or supermodels. In fact, youre never too unfit, too young or too old to do it. Regardless of your age, gender or role in life, you can benefit from regular physical activity. If youre committed, exercise in combination with a sensible diet can help provide an overall sense of well-being and can even help prevent chronic illness, disability and premature death. Some of the benefits of increased activity are Improved Health, Read More The Health Benefits of Exercise Essay1659 Words  | 7 PagesExercise is one of the most important factors in a persons’ life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life or cause them to have diabetes. The benefits of exercise are countless. The positive health results, the improvement in attitude, even better academic performance are all factors which make not exercising inexcusable. Merely not using a person’s body is harmful. Not being active results in a person’s muscles becoming weak and out of condition. TheRead MoreBenefits Of Physical Exercise For Health1000 Words  | 4 Pagesactivity is surprising because in the West, it is often believed that many people do exercise. It is true that sports circles and newspaper articles devoted to the benefits of physical exercise for health are more numerous than ever but, overall, the information related to the usefulness of physical activity seem not lead to behaviour change (O Brien et al 2015). Sedentary lifestyles have serious consequences for public health. In particular, in recent years, obesity is increasing dramatically throughoutRead MoreHealth Benefits Of Regular Exercise1266 Words  | 6 PagesIn recent years society has become increasingly aware of the need for physical fitness to gain a better health outlook and improved physique. Almost with every facing direction, whether it is on television, social media, magazines, or by the office water cooler advice on improving health can be given without solicitation. Most of the advice is advocating using a fitness monitor that encourages an active lifestyle that merits serious attention. Tasks consists of moderate to vigorous ambulatory activitiesRead More The Health Benefits of Exercise Essay2957 Words  | 12 Pagesenough exercise to burn off those unwanted pounds. Talk about getting in shape is all over books, magazines, TV shows, newspaper articles and celebrity videos that are all centered around fitness and e xercise. I think everyone would agree that exercise and physical fitness are a very important part of our lives, â€Å"...but the truth is most adult Americans do not exercise on a regular basis. And yet, to feel good, look our best and live longer, fuller lives, regular exercise is a must†(Exercise YourRead MoreThe Health Benefits of Exercise Essay2467 Words  | 10 PagesThe Benefits of Physical Exercise to the Human Body The benefits of physical exercise in humans far outweighs the harmful effects associated with exercise. A prescription of physical activity has been known to delay the onset or prevention of many chronic diseases. An improvement in heart function, lower blood pressure and improve functional capacity is noticed after just a few weeks of exercising. Physical activity will also result in an increase of lean muscle mass, promote weight maintenanceRead MoreThe Health Benefits of Exercise Essay791 Words  | 4 PagesLack of exercise is the cause of most health-related issues today. Americans are becoming ill every second from lack of exercise, yet nothing is being done to prevent these diseases. Diet plans and exercise programs are advertised in every corner, yet they are ignored. Many disorders and diseases are preventable, and even curable without the aid of modern technology. Regardless, the illnesses are at an all time high and show no sign of declining. What many individu als fail to realize is howRead MoreThe Health Benefits of Exercise Essay example672 Words  | 3 Pagesout for the sake of health and well-being is becoming increasingly important as we continue to learn the effects of inactivity. There are many benefits that arrive from the presence of exercise in your daily routine. Improve strength, improved cardiovascular fitness, and an improved immune system are just three of the MANY benefits that come from exercise and activity. I will tell you a little bit more about each of these three benefits and how and why they can help to benefit you. First, strengthRead MoreDo Exercise Really Benefit Ones Health?611 Words  | 2 PagesDo you think that exercise benefit ones health? Within the last twenty years or more there has been an abundance of research performed on this topic by healthcare professionals. There are some researchers who understand the need to make exercise a part of a daily routine. They understand that exercise has the potential to help with diseases such as diabetes, cancer- colon, breast, and even possibly lung and endometrial, Alzheimer, and protect one from developing heart disease and stroke or its precursorRead More importance of physical activity in youths Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant to the overall health of a child. Regular physical activity is essential to both the mental and physical health aspects. Positive exercise habits formed in childhood tend to carry over into adulthood, thus helping reduce death and illness in the future. There are many other positive benefits that come thro ugh the form of exercise. Just as well, there are negative effects that can results from lack of exercise. Developing and instilling the importance of exercise through education is valuable
Friday, December 20, 2019
South Africa s Main Religion Essay - 927 Words
South Africa’s Main Religion About 80% of South Africans are Christians, 1.2% are Hindus, 1.5% are Muslims and 0.2% are Jews. There are over 4000 independent churches in South Africa. Other religions in South Africa are Buddhism and Judaism. Hinduism was brought over to South Africa through Indian servants and Islam was brought over to the country through Malay slaves. Christianity is a religion where people believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings. People who follow Christianity are called Christians. The holy book for Christians is called ‘The Bible’. Christians believe that Jesus was a saviour and came to the world to save everyone of their sins. They also believe that he was a messiah who lived approximately 2000 years ago and was crucified on the cross by the Romans. Christians pray and worship one God only. There are many denominations of Christianity now but some main ones are Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic. There are over 2 billion Christians today in the world and they also believe that there are three things to God, the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Christians all go to churches to worship God and the leader of churches are called priests or ministers. South African Major Sports Some really popular sports among South Africans are football (soccer), rugby and cricket. The national rugby team of South Africa is nicknamed ‘The Springboks’. This team competes in rugby tournaments in Africa such as CAR Super 18 and Africa Cup. Out of the eight Rugby WorldShow MoreRelatedThe Culture Of South Africa1622 Words  | 7 Pages South Africa By: Hannah Devine December 5, 2014 Period 4 â€Æ' There are 196 countries in the world and South Africa is the 25th largest. Inhabited by around 53 million people, the country is represented as a whole by all of those people, exhibiting the five elements of culture in their everyday lives. The country is called the rainbow nation because if its diversity of people, religions, and cultures. Culture is all the things that make up a people’s way of life as well as what we inherit from ourRead MoreLgbt Views On Lgbt Rights Movement Essay1598 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscrimination against those who identify as LGBT has subsided significantly over the years in a few regions such as the United States, the entire continent of Africa continues to struggle. The systemic complexities of African countries (i.e. religion, culture, social climate) have greatly hindered the progression of the LGBT Rights Movement in Africa; the Motherland of Humanity. Throughout African history, many have attempted to justify the discrimination and brutality against LGBT individuals throughRead MoreEconomic, Environmental And Social Aspects Of Wellbeing1358 Words  | 6 Pagesinequalities in Africa. This will be done by analysing the 3 main topics economic, environmental and social aspects of wellbeing in Africa. Located on the southern end of the African continent, north of Zimbabwe and Mozambique and surrounded by Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean is a continent that Covers 1 221 040 square kilometres. South Africa only takes over 4%of the lands area but is 3 times the size of Texas and 5 times bigger than Great Britain. The estimated population of South Africa in 2013 wasRead MoreSouth Africa s Independence As A Country Essay1064 Words  | 5 Pagesthe 17th century until the early 1900’s, European countries were fighting to get tracks of land across Africa. Although South Africa was unified by Great Britain in 1910, the African Nati onal Congress was formed two years later. It was only on Dec 11, 1931 after World War II when Britain gave South Africa its’ independence as a country. 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AccordingRead MoreInfluence Of Modern Day South Africa Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesAudrey DeJong Carla Quigley GT Pre-AP Humanities 1 10/20/16 Over 6,000 Miles Away: The European â€Å"Empire†Influence in Modern Day South Africa In South Africa, ethnic groups with contrasting heritages can include Dutch, British, German, French, English, Zulu, Xhosa, and Basotho people (â€Å"Ethnic Groups†). The Dutch, Afrikaans, Zulu, and English language is also scattered throughout the provinces, these being used by the majority of the population. This diverse set of people mainly practices ChristianityRead MoreHistory Of Musical History, And Music Theory Of South Africa997 Words  | 4 PagesSara Dietrich Mr. Moore AMU3M January 6, 2015 South Africa This paper is going to talk about the history, musical history, and music theory of South Africa. The country is populated with 52.98 million people and the main religion is Christian. The country of South Africa is located on the southern most tip of the continent of Africa and covers 4% of the total landmass. It is bordered by Mozambique, Namibia, and Botswana. It is a very biodiverse country because of the Atlantic ocean flankingRead MoreThe Causes And Prevention Of Africa942 Words  | 4 PagesPoverty in Africa Africa is the only continent that is economically getting worse over the last three decades (Houston). Even though Africa is a land full of natural resources, there are too many conflicts and other causes that the people cannot utilize these resources to improve their economy. The most poorest parts of Africa is located at Sub-Saharan area, where most people live in extreme-poverty and they have trouble feeding themselves. It is important to understand the causes of poverty inRead MoreChristianity And Church History During The 20th Century1063 Words  | 5 Pagesprospective of an individual who was born and lived in South Africa in the middle 20th century, during apartheid. First, this paper will briefly discuss the beginning of Christianity in South Africa. Second, it will discuss Christianity and church history during the 20th century, which is the main time period referenced in the paper. Third, it will discuss church history from the oral account of and viewed through the life of Joy Hepkin, a black South African who currently resides in the United StatesRead MoreImperialism in South Africa1078 Words  | 5 PagesDuring Imperialistic times South Africa was a region of great resources that was greatly disputed over (Ellis). Europe’s main goal during these times was to compete against each other and played a â€Å"game†of which country can imperialize more African countries than the other. Imperialism was a curse to South Africa, because many wars, laws, and deaths were not necessary and would not have happened if South Africa were not imperialized. Imperialism is the domination by one country of political, economic
Thursday, December 12, 2019
5 aspect to create a sustainable, positive atmosphere in your classroom free essay sample
The role of Art Education and the outcomes of Quality Program The critical outcomes which form the basis of our education system are broad, generic cross-curricular outcomes which adhere to Constitution and have been adopted by SAQA. These outcomes will ensure that learners gain skills, knowledge and values that will allow them to contribute to their own success as well as the success of their families and communities. The key ideas that illustrate the importance of these outcomes include mastery of action such as: Identifying and solving of problems Working effectively with others Organising and managing oneself Collecting, analysing and critically evaluation of information Communicate effectively Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive Developing entrepreneurial skills These outcomes simply refer to specifications of what learns should be able to do at the end of the learning experience. By being exposed to art, the child learns to develop the following skills: Academic achievement Involvement in the arts can help children actively engage in learning, understand the concepts being taught, develop deep understandings in whatever subject is being taught, and to express their understandings in different ways. Regular involvement in the arts develops the higher order skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation, as well as critical-thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Research also indicates that sustained quality engagement in the arts enhances children’s literacy and numeracy skills, especially those children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Respect for themselves and others Through involvement in quality arts programs, children are able to connect and empathise with others as they understand and appreciate their cultures, traditions and symbols. The arts are a way of changing children’s perceptions and stereotypes of people who are different from them as they are exposed to different societies and cultures through their arts. They learn to respect and appreciate the differences and become more tolerant of other people, as well as accepting and respecting their own culture. Training and Life skills Australian reports into employability of young people suggest that to succeed in the workplace in the 21st century, young people need to be able to collect, analyse and organise information, communicate ideas and information, plan and organise activities, work with others in a team, use mathematical ideas and techniques, solve problems and use technology. Within a quality arts program each of these skills is developed and so, by involvement in the arts, children, as tomorrow’s leaders, are being comprehensively prepared for the competitive and creative arena of the world of work. Self-Expression Through self-expression in the arts, children learn focus, self-discipline, innovation, creativity and emotional expression as well as verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They learn to use a variety of media to express themselves and communicate using multi-literacy. They learn to use movements, symbols, visuals and sounds as well as words to convey meaning. They learn to get in touch with their own feelings and those of others. When they create or observe a work of art they respond emotionally, they feel good about themselves, and they learn that there is more to life than what can be assessed by quantitative measures. OUTCOMES OF A QUALITY ART PROGRAMME A quality arts program is one of the greatest gifts a teacher can give to their children – don’t deprive them of this precious gift for any reason. Artworks should be created from observation, memory and imagination The learner will develop an understanding of art as a means of expression ideas, feelings and ideals. The learner will gain a basic understanding of the range of visual arts throughout history and across many cultures. The learner will be conversant with art terms and concepts. The learner will learn about a range of world cultures through the study of art works, their contexts, purposes and cultural values. The learner will develop preferences for some type or style of art. The will learn how art expresses cultural values and be able to influence society as he/she will investigate ways in which the visual arts are influenced by the contexts of their creation, such as psychological factors, political events, social values or change in technology. The learner will be able to use sources of discovery and research such as the library and internet to seek specific information about art and artists. QUESTION 3 DEFINE CREATIVITY: Creativity is an ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic objects or form. The term generally refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking. Psychological studies of highly creative people have shown that many have a strong interest in apparent disorder, contradiction, and imbalance, which seem to be perceived as challenges. Such individuals may possess an exceptionally deep, broad, and flexible awareness of themselves. Studies also show that intelligence has little correlation with creativity; thus, a highly intelligent person may not be very creative. Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing. â€Å"Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. †– Robert E. Franken, Human Motivation Characteristics of creative/artistic people 1. sensitive Being sensitive helps creativeness in many ways: a. it helps with awareness of problems, known unknown b. it helps people sense things easier c. it helps to cause people to care and commit themselves to challenges or causes. 2. not motivated by money As important as money is in most societies or economies it is not a driving force for a creative person. Generally they have an intuitive sense of the amount of money they basically need and once that need is fulfilled then money stops affecting or driving them. 3. sense of destiny Intuitively creative people know that they have a purpose, a destiny or they realize that they can choose or create one to drive them to reach greater heights of skill, ability, or talent. 4. adaptable Without the ability to adapt people could not become creative. But rather than adapt to something they choose to adapt things to suit them, their needs or the goals they are striving towards. 5. tolerant of ambiguity Two or more things or ideas being right at the same time challenges the thinking of a creative person. They love to be ambiguous to challenge other people and ideas. Ambiguity helps them see things from many different perspectives all at the same time. 6. observant Creative people constantly are using their senses: consciously, sub-consciously and unconsciously, even non-consciously. 7. perceive world differently Thoreau talked about people drumming to a different drum beat. Creative people thrive on multiple ways of perceiving: seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, sensing things. These different perspectives open up their minds to unlimited possibilities. 8. see possibilities Average people, people who don’t believe they are creative, people who are fearful or resistant to creativeness or creative thinking prefer to work within limits with limited possibilities. Creative people love to see many, even infinite possibilities in most situations or challenges. Question 2 Developing awareness through experiences Perceptual awareness means the ability to perceive, and also the ability to remember in detail, the thoughts, perceptions, and feelings associated with an experience. These experiences must be internalised and related to something that the learner already knows to enable them to extend their frame of reference. Evoked feelings or emotions can be seen in terms of physical, as well as emotional, experiences. Developing an awareness of the object through empathy with the object refers to the learner’s ability to identify with the object; empathy sometimes can be such that the learner feels like he/she’s the object. The expressive content of work of work is the feeling or emotion that an image generates in those who come into contact with it. Before a visually form is analysed, the viewer experiences the expressive quality of the work. These non verbal cues communicate certain feelings before one attempts to understand the formal visual language of an artwork. The way in which we respond to the expressive content of a work is conditioned by our frame of reference, namely our previous experience and expectations. We respond emotionally to certain forms or colour because we associates them with particular meaning for us. This response is governed by our culture, our traditions, our frames of reference. Visual quality, because of their inherent relationships, create certain state of feelings if viewed within the right frame of reference. Given the right type of guidance, learners may learn to perceive and experience the qualities found in artworks of the past and present and thus enrich the quality of their lives. Teachers must be able to plan, guide and lead learners to a perceptual awareness that a learner would not have archived by themselves. With the above mentioned guidance, learners will become progressively more aware and be able to interpret their own awareness by developing sensitivity and openness to the world around them. DEVELOPING AWARENESS THOUGH VISUAL STIMULUS Developing perceptual awareness is a way of increasing one’s ability to handle visual information through senses. As a result of this information the learner should have more aesthetic options to select from and more ways of relating to the world. Equipped with this visual information, the learner can be more confident that his or her sense of perception will help him/her to solve a task with more flexibility. The teacher needs to guide, lead and direct the learner to develop this kind of awareness. A great variety of stimulus materials, include objects in nature, human made products, as well as the arts, the need for the learner’s experience if he/she become perceptually more aware. By viewing, the touching, smelling and discussing, the teacher can direct the attention of the learner to the elements of arts, as seen in nature and human-made products. This will also indirectly enable the learner to acquire the vocabulary of art.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Managing Human Capital and Entrepreneurship Quaker
Questions: Task 1: Outline in a background statement the industry, company and competitive market contexts. Task 2: Complete a critical analysis of the organisation's existing business model to identify key strategic weaknesses in relation to their current competitive business position. Task 3: Propose justified modifications to this business model as deemed appropriate for future business sustainability. Task 4: Explain the consequential changes that will be required to organisation structure, operational processes, information technologies and human capital resourcing Task 5: Consider the human capital management changes that will be required during the transitioning period with detailed attention being given to: 5.1 The nature of the changes required 5.2 how these changes will be introduced, monitored and evaluated 5.3 the anticipated impact upon staff morale. Answers: Introduction Quaker company has announced a joint venture between Quaker and Muller Quaker for its production, sale and distribution of cereal, wholesome foods and savory snacks in Asia. Muller Quaker has another wholly - owned subsidiary in Asia called Kohai Berry Investments Co Ltd which will also participate in the joint venture. There are various responsibilities for the companies where Muller Quaker will contribute to infrastructure, supply chain sale, extensive sales and distribution network in Asia. They will also contribute for the local network in Asia as well. The companies are huge enough to manage the local market in Asia and manage a portfolio of the globally recognized brands which will in turn contribute to the large cereal product base and other snacks expertise. The joint venture will use the Quaker brand in the Asia market as well. The brands will work together in order to leverage this complementary expertise and they would maximize their potential in terms of marketing and production. Task 1: Industry and Market Contexts Asia is an ever evolving country in Asia terms of market and new product launch and in the next 5 years Asia will outperform the food and beverage industry which targets any consumer class base in large cities with an increased desire for a wide range of packaged foods. Most of these foods fall into the category of the branded foods as well. The consumers of the food market have changed their pulse in terms of food consumption and this has been driven by the health benefits of various foods which the people learn about. For example there has been an immense growth in the milk perspective of food consumption which has also given a major impact to the cereal consumption as this has been viewed by the consumers as the most convenient food for breakfast. Asia has also been driven by the snack food industry. Asias snack food industry has grown to a great extent where its growth is estimated to be up by $12 15 million annually and has been growing more than 40% gradually. If any outer brand comes into the market they should perform in such a way that they are able to outperform the other local brands or at least maintain their standards. In order to capture this growth the local market has to be leveraged in such a way that Quaker and Muller Quaker can bring great opportunity to the market. This joint venture helps Asia grow to a massive extent where growth has been immense for the business and this joint venture has developed the business for growth and fundamental changes in the general way the business is conducted. The brands are huge and they food products an immense corporate responsibility which aims to help and create better days and brighter tomorrow for the consumers, employees, stakeholders and communities where all of them are better influenced by the environment. They share a responsible corporate responsibility towards maintaining a better environment as well as they are involved with working towards protecting the environment as well by protecting the interests of the farmers in reducing their environmental footprint and improve their efficiency. The other environmental factors which they can focus on are Growing their health and wellness related food offerings Leveraging their brand in terms of providing benefits of cereal, additional health benefits in the form of breakfast bran and drinks Increasing the health benefits of consumers by decreasing the frozen foods in the brand which they can offer Accelerating the growth in the food consumption by promoting the health benefits These are the main areas which are causing issues today and they focus on reducing any complex issues which may arise out of it. Various aspects which an International brand should consider before they venture into the other internationally located local markets are SWOT Analysis Strengths Good exposure and knowledge of the local markets and that of the product Good market position Broad network of portfolio services Robust infrastructure New infrastructures and technological aspects being customized as per the Clients requirements Weaknesses Geographical focus with its presence in various locations Effective marketing strategies Automation resulting in fears in the employees Opportunities Expansion in different markets Expanding the Chinese market Online shopping with various models which could be introduced to suit different customer requirements Threats Compliance with Government rules in terms of sales Major preserved products which might enter the local market and those which are of an international brand. There could be fear of losing market control for the local products from the local vendors Intense competition from other competitors Task 2: The weaknesses of the segment The type of weaknesses would vary between operational and partnership in such cases when international brands compete with the local markets in order to establish themselves in a specific country where the partnership or the general business would have are Under production orientation the entire focus is on the process of production and its efficiencies. Under product orientation the entire focus is on making new products, revising or making their products for effective for the customers and working towards enhancement of sales activities in order to sell their products. Such companies have their total focus on product invention and their sales with not effort on improving the levels of customer service (Narver, J, 1990). Case: If a person buys food products then he is provided some other product for his use. There is another segment under business orientation which is closer to product orientation and is called as the sales orientation. Even under this segment the companies concentrate on improving their sales methodologies and their number in sales when compared to customer service levels. The last segment under the category of business orientation is the market orientation. Under this segment there are a lot of factors which are considered to implement various processes effectively. It is a distinct strategy under which all the plans and policies, norms and procedures, strategy of the management, marketing strategies of the business, methods of customer service, Organizational objectives, employee values and many other factors are taken into consideration. Market orientation has its entire focus on the levels of customer satisfaction it achieves as an Organization. The Customer service levels constitute the main part of this business (Bearden, 2005). Case: If we consider the product of Food products the company designs the products taking the customers desires into account. Lots of models have been released in various flavors (Todnem, R, 2005). A lot of Organizations are adapting the market oriented approach. One of the reasons why market oriented approach is becoming more prominent is that there have been a lot of companies which produce the same kind of products under different labels and because of this all the customers are aware of the kind of products, their advantages, their constitution and many other factors. This has made the businesses think in a different perspective and come up with such a kind of competitive strategy which is called as market orientation ( Choen, J 1975). The companies should have that competitive advantage over its other competitors as there a lot of chances for them to lose out on their customers if they do not come up with more competitive products (Bearden, 2005). These aspects could pose certain risks however food industry is directly linked to the consumers and any issues would impact the business of the industry directly. Task 3: Justified modification - Joint Venture This is based on the suitability of the product and the nature of the business. This is specific from project to project and it depends on the size of the project mainly. There are certain specific limits set by the projects or the partners involved in it. Most of the times partners exist in the project with a vision of producing various products for multiple purposes however they cant manage to produce them on their own. This requires the intervention of other sources that can create, design, implement and produce the products. For example this is most suitable for software products. In the current situation if we consider the food industry a joint venture is possible where they are establishing it in Asia and they require the intervention of the local Asian parties who can help in designing the products suitable for the Asian market. In this case where it is a food industry and where it has to be established in a foreign market there are various aspects in terms of correction plans like Disciplinary alternatives Market, Research, Plan, Design and Implementation Guiding Principles Code of Ethics, Labor Law and Legal obligations of those countries Training managing employees Managing and taking change to a next level Controlling change in various aspects of management Task 4: Consequences of the corrective actions in various aspects Organizational structure Organizational Structure is very important to achieve results allowing great no. of people to work as teams to handle various projects effectively. It is linked with the culture of the Organization as they are dependent on each other (People's Daily Online, 2008). The organizational culture follows a strategy where it recognizes the efforts and contributions of the employees of the organization and it provides an understanding of how these results are to be achieved, the various ways in which they can align their objectives to their organizational objectives and how the employees can achieve their objectives. This concept emphasizes that the organizational culture could be a way of maintaining the employees in line and encouraging them to achieve the organizational objectives. All these factors contribute a lot to the organizational success (Adair, J 1988). Organizational processes Some of the leadership models which can be adapted and implemented in this process are John Adair has developed a simple leadership model which provides a great leadership model to the employees or an organization. Action centred leadership model is also a simple leadership and a management model which is good to adapt in any situation. The 3 parts of Adairs Action Centred Leadership Model have 3 main responsibilities like Achieving the task Managing the teams Managing the people This model has a great advantage which would guide the manager with his responsibilities like responsibilities of a manager to achieve the task and the responsibilities of a manager for the group like Identify the activity Identify the resources, people, processes, systems, skills and tools Create a plan to conduct the task which would include evaluation tools, timelines which are critical for the completion of the projects, strategy and policies which are to be implemented Decide on major factors like responsibilities of the team, organizational objectives, accountability and measures of the team Planning and Strategizing the standards, quality of work, time and reporting standards which are to be followed Monitor and maintain the overall performance plan Report on the progress which has been achieved for the groups objective Timely evaluation and review process of the plan and methods which are used to conduct different processes and work on any of the processes if the results are not effective In all these responsibilities the major factors which are critical for the leadership model are Planning Initiating Controlling Supporting Informing Evaluating The Action Centred Leadership Model is a model which has a method of managing and leading and this also includes a strong emphasis on applying the principles by using various methods. This model also promotes various situations which involve 2 people who can influence where 50% of motivation is in an individual and 50% of the motivation is from an external source. Information technology Information technology had a positive impact on all the automation and information aspects where it has offered immense benefits and has also offered a lot of growth perspectives to the people. There are various positive aspects which have provided immense learning opportunities for the employees and have also resulted in providing various tutorials which have benefitted the employee group to a major extent. Self directed tools have also come into effect which has offered great self learning opportunities to the people. Through this Employees have had a major access to the organizations which promoted a greater way of learning by customer information and by providing greater access to online information. It has provided them a great motivation in developing language skills and avoiding larger curriculums which can be avoided through a safe way of learning (Kathleen, 2011). Human Capital The five new jobs which have emerged in the last 5 years were much related to Marketing and Management like the Product aspects and the Management aspects. Roles like Product Managers, Product Analysts, Business Analysts related to business analysis and research and Project Managers have evolved much to an extent in order to design and manage various aspects in an Organization. With all these various roles which the Organization can introduce it will attract more employees with an effective standard service the human capital can be strengthened. Time to implement programs In order to leverage the marketing relationship programs and investments by the companies the organization should target their time to ensure they attain a marketing benefit in such a way that the customers needs are at its peak. The values should be timed in such a way that benefits are timed to a greater extent. Understanding and managing gratitude and its role in building and maintaining reciprocity play a major role in effective relationship marketing. Grateful customers always come back with a lot of gratitude and the organizations should give them an opportunity to reciprocate after they receive an RM benefit (Narver, J 1990). There are a lot of researches which have been conducted and there are 3 main aspects which have been suggested in terms of relationship marketing like Engagement activities across various stages of relationship lifecycle ( Gronroos 1997; Sheth Parvatiyar 2000) The no. of stages and terminology are different in nature sometimes where even multiple stages are involved in it (Dwyer and Oh 1987; Wilson1995). The other critical aspect is the target or the scope of the relationship in the marketing activities where most of the activities are restricted to customer relationships and other relationships in the internal departments (Morgan and Hunt 1994) All these aspects open up a scope of relationship marketing practice to any target entity which seems appropriate. There are many recent researches which have been conducted in terms of managing customer relationships with parties other than customers in most of the cases (Rindfleisch and Moorman 2003; Sivadas and Dwyer 2000). Pricing is the most critical aspect of a marketing mix which can produce greater turnover of the organization. There are variable costs to produce a product and there is a cost involved to promote them. Pricing should support all these elements of a marketing mix (Business Balls, nd). These products can be divided into consumer products, commodity business, non - commodity business and sales. A reliability analysis can be conducted by taking various products from all these groups and can be tested on reliability and validity. The factors of reliability are for customer orientation and competitor orientation which enhance the relations to increase their sales. The long term objectives and the profit objective measures might be different because the products might not be meeting the demands of the customers (Business Balls, nd). Economies of sales which are generated by production a large mass of production will reduce the costs of production and contributes to creating large profits to the organization. The pricing strategies are based on the objectives an organization has like penetration pricing, skimming pricing, competition pricing, product line pricing, psychological pricing and other factors. The pricing strategies have their own ways of marketing like pricing on a low price and increasing the prices later, setting a higher price and then reducing the prices, setting prices by comparing with the competitors, prices which are different for various products and the psychology of prices. The pricing strategy which is most suitable for any type of an organization which could be based pricing. Optional pricing can also be a strategy for setting prices for various services which are provided by the charity they can sell optional services to maximize the turn over which the organization can produce. A business which increases its market orientation will be able to enhance its market performance. Researches have been conducted to prove this fact. Let us look at the advantages in implementing market orientation in an Organization. Some of those advantages are: Customer focus as the Organizations objective: Organizations who look at customers needs as their focus is always competitive in concentrating on newer innovations and newer strategies to satisfy their Customers. By doing this the Organizations would have more no. of satisfied customers who would be retained with their brand for a longer time (Kokemuller n.d.). A specific strategy: The Organizations should develop a specific strategy and plan to implement that strategy in an effective way. The Organization should also plan their vision and mission of their company and align all their Organizational objectives with the vision and mission of the company. Effective communication should be organized to explain all the advantages of their products to their Customers (Pearce, J . 1987). Advantages of Marketing: The Organizations should also market their products effectively implementing various kinds of strategies. Customer retention: Understanding the customers needs and satisfying their needs leads to customer retention and such customers retain with the same brand for a longer time. All these factors contribute to a lot of benefits for an Organization. After the kinds of marketing strategies and with the ways the companies plan to enter the market the next step of expanding the business would be the strategy of product. There are different models like product positioning strategy, product repositioning strategy, product scope strategy, product design strategy and any new business product strategy (Akkaya, n.d.) The first strategy involves product positioning which means introducing a product into the market in the right position so that it gets accepted in the market along with many products in the same category (Asikhia, 2011). The second strategy involves reviewing and revising any of the aspects of the product, marketing mix and looking for a new position for the product. This strategy helps a lot of businesses recover from its current position where they have a large scope to relook at the product and make any important changes to present it in an attractive way to the customers and the clients. In all these aspects Customer focus is more important than any other aspect of marketing. In the third strategy which is the product scope strategy, there could be many products involved in one company where the focus has to be on all the products, their improvements, their individual market competition and their sales. In the fourth strategy of product which the product design the company has to decide whether it can offer many products or one single product and whether it can customize the product depending on the Customers needs. There are a lot of advantages with such strategies where if the company is concentrating on one product it is focusing on increasing the sales of that product, if the company can customize the products according to the Customers needs then the ability to sustain in the market would also be high. Task 5: Managing and Controlling Change Proposals for Change Strategies which should be adapted and implemented by the Management The  rst step to becoming aware of ourselves is to recognize our weaknesses, strengths, biases, attitudes, values, and perceptions. There are many ways to enhance our self-awareness. Some of these include analyzing our own experiences, looking at ourselves through the eyes of others, self-disclosure, acquiring diverse experiences, and increasing our emotional intelligence (Fiveoclock, 2012). The self-analysis process should begin with reection on and exploration of thoughts and feelings associated with affective events. By reecting on these feelings and thoughts, individuals can obtain new perspectives relevant to their lives based on these learning experiences. From obtaining new knowledge and perspectives, individuals can become more effective by implementing new behavioral and cognitive changes in future situations (Col William, 2011). Thus, self-awareness is an essential skill for developing personally and professionally. If you have a high degree of self-awareness, youll be able to capitalize on your strengths and develop plans for improving or compensating for your limitations. Part of being self-aware is being able to monitor and change our behavior. By concentrating on self-improvement, we demonstrate to others our willingness to learn and grow through various external methods of learning like ICT and self - directed theories increasing the likelihood of being able to develop close relationships and success in a profession (Kathleen, 2012). There are various levels of employees in an organization and they have their own responsibilities where the employees would have to handle. In all these levels of the organization the employees would have their own objectives which they would like to achieve. When these employees try to work towards their own objectives which are aligned with the organizational objectives they would like to see a growth in their position. This would be possible if they get promoted to the higher levels in an organization (Development, n.d.). In order to achieve this they should adapt methods where they can implement a procedure in which they can test the adaptability of the employees to a new position or a new role in which they would have a lot of responsibilities to handle and this process can be called as the Ready Now as we have discussed earlier. This helps the employees at the next level to be prepared for the leadership positions. By implementing these methods the organizations would be able to find the potential employees who have all the essential skills to be filled in for the position (T.J. Allen, 1977). There are some factors which have to be considered before recruiting the cost which the organizations would incur with the recruitment and the cost which would also be included for the training cost of these employees. The external employees should be employed with the essential skills and they should also have some sources like the consultants and with their help the organizations can plan and strategize some recruitment events in which they can search for the skills which they require. References Business Balls, Inc; Change Management, viewed on May 14th 2015, Balzer, W, 2012, Organizational Diagnosis: An Evidence Based Appraoch, Pgs 223 246. 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