Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay on The Health Benefits of Exercise - 490 Words
The word fitness is very vague as fitness is built up of many factors. The main ones include, general Fitness, aerobic fitness and specific fitness. General fitness is the ability to meet the demands of every day life. General fitness is closely liked with health related fitness and it has several components including Strength the force muscles exert when they contact. Flexibility or suppleness, the range of movement at a joint. Speed, is the ability to move your body or a section of your body quickly. Body composition, the percentage of fat and lean tissue in your body. If you have too much fat, or too little fat, you are seen as being unfit. Stamina, is the bodys ability to keep going†¦show more content†¦If you have aerobic fitness, during periods of rest and in periods of exercise, your heart rate should be reasonable low. Specific fitness is essential for the playing of certain sports. As well as having the specific fitness, it is essential to have general fitness as well. Examples of specific fitness include: explosive strength or power, agility, balance, co-ordination, and a quick reaction time. The definition of health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. All three are closely linked with each other and by falling ill may well affect your mental and social well-being. Another example of where the components affect each other is may be when you lose your job. This may affect your physical and mental well-being. Physical well-being is when: * Your heart lungs and other body systems are working well * No illness or injury Social well-being is when: * You have enough food, clothing and shelter * You have friends and support * You have a belief you have some value in society Mental well-being is when: * You are able to cope with stress * You are able to control emotions * You are able to enjoy yourself * You have feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem Exercise is closely related to health and fitness. By exercising and putting your body through activities thatShow MoreRelatedThe Health Benefits of Exercise Essay826 Words  | 4 Pages Exercise is not just for Olympic athletes or supermodels. In fact, youre never too unfit, too young or too old to do it. Regardless of your age, gender or role in life, you can benefit from regular physical activity. If youre committed, exercise in combination with a sensible diet can help provide an overall sense of well-being and can even help prevent chronic illness, disability and premature death. Some of the benefits of increased activity are Improved Health, Read More The Health Benefits of Exercise Essay1659 Words  | 7 PagesExercise is one of the most important factors in a persons’ life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life or cause them to have diabetes. The benefits of exercise are countless. 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